








 ▲《 Let's Not Be Alone Tonight》原版MV






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Outside of the party where it's gettin too loud/除了剛來到這場派對時感覺過於喧鬧

It feels like we're the only ones alone in the crowd∕之後它便讓我感覺我們就像是唯一的人群

Chat college and politics in time that we spend∕說些大學生活的話題,隨意聊聊打發時間

You look back and you say you think you lost all your friends∕你回眸一笑,說你想要擺脫你所有的朋友

And I'm hoping that it's all my fault∕而我希望這是因為我的緣故

Yea, I'm hoping that it's all my fault∕我期待這都是因為我


Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們今夜不要孤單地度過吧


Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們一起度過今夜吧

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你不必孤獨度過)

No it don't, no it don't mean love∕不,它不是,它並不是意味著愛情

But it might, but it might be love∕但它表示,它表示我們即將墜入愛河

Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,我們不必孤單度過今夜

(You don't have to be alone)


Not wrong if you come on strong cause life is too short∕如果你因生命過於短促而變得獨立,那並沒有錯

I like how we get along like snow in New York∕我想我們懂得如何融洽的相觸,就像白雪在紐約的存在,都是那麼自然

All good if you change your mind, you know where I stand∕你知道我是為了什麼而矗立等待,如果你變成我的,那麼一切都會變得美好

Look back and I say to you I lost all my friends∕我回過頭告訴你「我失去了我所有的朋友」

And I know you know it's all your fault∕而我知道,你明白這都是你的錯

Yea, I know you know it's all your fault∕我知道,你明白自己是這一切的始作俑者


Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們今夜毫不孤單的度過吧

Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們一起度過今夜吧

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你不必孤單度過)

No it don't, no it don't mean love∕不,它不是,它並不意味著愛情

But it might, but it might be love∕但它肯定表示著我們即將墜入愛河

Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,我們不需孤單度過今夜

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你不必孤單度過)

And I know it's gotta be my fault∕而我明白,這變成我的過錯了

Yea, I know it's gotta be my fault∕是的,我變成始作俑者了


La La La La La

La La La La La


La La La La La

La La La La La


La La La La La

La La La La La


And we may never feel the same∕也許我們永遠不會擁有相同的感受

I'm just glad that you came∕而我只是純粹的為你的到來感到高興

Am I right or is it all in my head?∕是我說對了嗎?還是這一切都迴繞在我的腦中?


Like Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕就像,「嘿,我們不必孤單度過今夜」一樣

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你不必孤單度過)

Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們一起度過今夜吧

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你不必孤單度過)

Hey, no it don't, no it don't mean love∕嘿,不,它不是,它並不意味著愛情

But it might, but it might be love∕但它表示,它表示我們即將墜入愛河

Hey, lets not be alone tonight∕讓我們豪不孤單的度過今夜吧

(You don't have to be alone)∕(你一點也不需要孤單度過呀)


You don't have to be alone tonight∕你不需要孤單地度過今晚

You don't have to be alone tonight∕我會陪著你一起度過今夜呀

No it don't, no it don't mean love∕不,它不是,它並不意味著愛情

But it might, but it might be love∕但它表示,它確實地表示著我們即將墜入愛河

Hey, Let's not be alone tonight∕嘿,讓我們共度今夜吧




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