▲《No Matter Where You Are》原版MV
{No Matter Where You Are }
I will stay by you/我將待在你的身旁
Even when we fall/即便我們雙雙跌地
I will be the rock, that holds you up/那麼我便會成為你足下的石頭,促使你站起
and lifts you high so you stand tall/我會讓你看見更高更遠的世界,所以挺起胸膛吧
I won't let you go/我不會讓你輕易的離我而去
No one can take your place/你在我心中的地位無可取代
a couple fights & lonely nights/一對戀人的爭吵與寂寞的夜晚
Don't make it right to let it go to waste/別讓這些事情成真,讓它付諸東流吧
I won't let you fall/我不會讓你摔落
I won't let you go/我不會讓你輕易的離我遠去
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡,
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
I will hold on to everything we've got/我會緊握住我們得來不易的一切
A quitter, a regretter, and forgetter is everything I'm not/半途而廢,為此感到遺憾,或是選擇忘卻,這都不是我會做的
I'll take care of you and love you /我會小心留意你的去向,並且愛著你
just because you and I are better than forever/不為什麼,只因為我們將會守著彼此直到天荒地老
Nothing can stop us/沒有任何事情可以阻攔我們走下去
I won't let you fall/我不會讓你摔落
I won't let you go/我不會讓你輕易的離我遠去
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡,
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
We can be the generation/我們可以恆久的如同一個世紀
Who learns how to love/誰學會了如何去愛
Mistakes & empty promises will never be enough/錯誤和空頭承諾從未舔補過愛情裡的空缺
To tear apart the giant hearts/徹底摧毀龐大而緊閉的內心
that beat inside us now/急遽的心跳正在我們體內跳動
Let's conquer the percentages and rise above the crowd/讓我們達成這個百分比吧,不再受到人群的控制,擺脫它們
I won't let you fall/我不會讓你摔落
I won't let you go/我不會讓你輕易的離我遠去
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
No matter where you are/不論你在哪裡
No matter where you are, I'll be there/不論你身處何處,我都會在那裡
I'll be there/我都會在那裡
I'll be there/我一定會在那裡
{Talk Time}